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    Contributors & Change makers How to Change the World (and other handy tips) is a collaborative project of like minded changemakers that wish to give back, share, help and Inspire you to transform your world and others around you. Here are some of the amazing people that directly, or indirectly, contributed to the creation of the book.

    Author - Matt Black Investor, & Board Advisor to C Suite in Business Strategy, Innovation, & Disruption - Author & International Public Speaker

    The first author of H2CTW Matt has been mentoring and advising people that want to take a great idea, a dream, and turn it into reality for over 30 years.  While Matt has worked with tens of thousands of people on their own personal transformation, his main focus is with Startup Founders, charities, and “for good” Companies.

    Co-writer Gill Tiney Public Speaker on Collaboration, Leadership Development & Project Management Gill is a world class Trainer &
    Business Consultant

    Gill helps entrepreneurs to grow themselves AND their business through collaboration. As founder of the Collaboration Global community I invite you attend a session to experience a powerful way to do business.

    Co-writer Ian Rose Workshops, presentations and coaching to help individuals & teams to stay resilient

    A world-class Speaker & Coach Ian draws from both his experiences as a Double Paralympic Medallist and his successful business sales career to create engaging and motivational sessions centered on the power of Resilience for individual and corporate performance.

    “To succeed takes planning, realistic goals, and hard work. Coaching can be extremely helpful if you need to gain clarity on what steps are needed. I will help you see the wood for the trees.”

    Inspiring - Michelle Mills-Porter The people reader, Michelle is the creator of illuminating analysis tools to Unleash Human Magnificence and release the brakes on your performance.

    Michelle has dedicated her life to understanding people, and becoming an expert in human behavior & their core values. She gives people tangible tools that they can use as a shortcut to an unfair advantage.

    Michelle is a font of unique knowledge but here is two of her most groundbreaking solutions:
    Essence – Understanding your core values helps you understand what truly motivates and inspires you.
    Clarity – Her unique Behaviour analysis tools help you understand yourself and others.

    Co-writer Kym Hamer Visibility & Personal Branding Expert. Building Brand YOU™, Accelerate Your Results & Get More of the Opportunities you Want. Grow your Reputation, Revenue and Results. Podcast Host & Entrepreneur.

    As a coach to hundreds of individuals and corporate clients globally, Kym helps people learn, build and apply sophisticated marketing and branding techniques in new & sometimes unexpected ways. Kym has created a methodology that accelerates results, revenue and reputation of the people she works with. An Australian, living in the UK since 2004, her purpose is to live a joyful, vibrant, and fulfilling life and to empower others to do the same. Her dream is to help others to feel about their life the same way.

    Inspiring - Amy Rowlinson Seeking fulfilment and purpose in your life? Let’s talk! Life Purpose Coach | Master Coach | Podcast Strategist | Creating positive, global ripple effects as Podcast Host of Focus on WHY

    Amy is an inspiring individual, passionate about contributing to all those around her, she has an incredible following for a very good reason. “Life is all about the people you meet and the things you create with them.  Imagine the positive impact you could make if you valued your work and you were valued for your work!”

    She inspires us because she doesn’t shy away from challenging our preconceptions of what’s possible. “What you do today will shape the way you live in the future” – a simple but impactful insight, one of many she shares freely in her pursuit to transform the world around her.

    Inspiring - Syane Findlay Trainer, Coach & Facilitator | Bespoke Course Writer I Soft Skills Expert I Wellbeing Advocate I Bestselling Author I Passionate about Learning & Development

    The author of – No Fear Here: How To Rise Up And Release Your Potential (on amazon)

    Syan’s burning question is – What’s holding you back?

    Her thought-provoking book is packed with powerful revelations, inspiration, and simple-to-apply strategies to move you from living in fear, settling for mediocre, and accepting the way things have always been, to building the life and legacy you were born for.

    When she is not helping people break barriers and get the life they deserve, she is transforming Big businesses. She is a (much in demand) trainer and consultant who helps organizations to upskill their staff through personal, professional & career development training and coaching. She is passionate about empowering people to develop the confidence, mindset, behaviors, and skills needed to excel.

    Syane is an inspiring woman who bravely shares her personal journey, her insights, and how she transformed her life as a potential roadmap other can follow.  Her honesty and brave book and many talks on the subject of personal transformation in the face of fear have inspired content in the book and we continue to be big fans of her work.

    Co-writer - Veronica Leigh Leading from within | Entrepreneur | Leadership Transformation | The Projection Model® | Leadership | Increasing Profits | Team Leaders | Time Management | Corporate Leadership | 1:1 Leadership

    Veronica’s story of transforming herself from rock bottom to extreme success is astounding. For over 25 years’ she’s been sharing her story and unique insights with Leaders from all over the globe.

    “You can always be much more than you think.”  Her incredible work regularly helps people advance their performance and enhance their well-being tenfold.  While also enabling them to lead effortlessly when encountering any challenging or new situation.

    ** personal note from the author Matt Black – my absolute favorite quote from Veronica, and one that sums up her feisty fearless personality, and probably her approach to life in general is ” WHY ME: Why not?”

    Inspiring - Daleep Chhabria Investor, Brand expert and Change Maker

    Daleep is a “wolf in sheep’s clothing”. Professionally he is a rock-steady, pragmatic expert in everything related to strategic brand development and marketing, hired by many companies to bring clarity and insight into understanding and articulating their mission to the outside world.  But get him on the topic of life, the universe, and in particular wellness, and he transforms.  Daleep is an incredible wealth of knowledge he shares with a passion for helping people.  As an investor he uses his resources, the most powerful of which is his formidable experience, to help others drive positive change in the world.

    As a living example of the power of an idea, linked to a deeply personal passion for wanting to make change happen, he is an inspiration to us in the creation of this book.  – wellness, performance, respect & understanding – he has touched the lives of many people who flourish as a direct result of his commitment to disrupting the Status Quo.

    Inspiring - Ketan Makwana Web3 Catalyst with focus on Media, Entertainment & Sports
    Talks about #web3, #strategy, #metaverse, #innovation, and #tokenomics

    Often called “the father of disruption” Ketan has successfully launched, scaled, and sold multiple ventures; then in 2011 Ketan launched his flagship Enterprise Lab – a talent and business innovation agency that now operates in 26 countries and boasts a network of 250 experienced professionals delivering in their niche.

    While many were reeling during the pandemic, Ketan co-founded Seventy7 Ventures a venture partner platform that already has 3 spin offs: Cryptolytx, MetArena and Seventy7 Capital.

    A renowned international speaker having delivered keynotes across 5 continents and 42 cities, he has served as a Special Advisor to a UK Prime Minister and former President; he is regularly involved in economic policy-shaping for several governments – with a high focus on the digital economy.

    Having personally known Ketan for over 10 years, the Author Matt Black has been inspired in many ways by Ketans continued commitment to the growth and betterment of mankind and his deep insights into how “traditional” business strategic thinking can not only be disrupted but these insights can be applied to far more than the simple task of just “making money”.

    Inspiring - Olga Geidane Turning people conflicts into opportunities | Speaking about transformation, change and authentic leadership | Keynote Speaker | Mindset Coach | Author | Event Host | Virtual Moderator | Environmentalist | Spiritual

    An often repeated quote almost says it all about Olga and what she does. – “You transformed my life”

    Olga is a professional speaker and facilitator that is living her own personal dream to travel the world and transform lives through self-leadership and mindset mastery.

    The way she freely shares some of the most challenging moments in her own past, as well as how she transformed those experiences, powering herself towards her goals have been inspiring. In particular her personal motto – Change your mindset = change your life is one shared by the Author and many of the co-writers in this book.

    Inspiring - Stephen J. Whitton The Ordinary Guy - Speaking up for D&I. Promoting Wellbeing in masculine environments such as #automotiveindustry. Helping others to live happy, purposeful lives again! Giving employers, effective employees again!

    Stephen is the founder and beating heart of [M]enable an inspiring project that is designed to transform outdated thinking and interrupt the “business as usual” culture that exists in many male-dominated sectors.

    “[M]enable is the catalyst for change that shines the light on culture and working practices across the automotive industry (and other traditionally male-dominated, masculine environments) that can contribute to mental health issues or that are founded in them.”

    A MAMMOTH task that would casue even the government to hesitate to attempt.  Unperturbed,  fuelled by his own personal commitment to change, confidence, and passion for the subject, he is a living example of taking on a BIG challenge, one of the topics taken on in the book.

    Sneak Preview These are a few of the challenging topics, themes and questions our world class experts take on in this amazing book. Note: Subject to change as the book is still in editiing.

    How to Change the World

    Predictably the first chapter attacks this titanic subject. A magnificant launchpad for the other chapters in the book for those seeking to literally “change the world”.

    The answer to everything!

    Wouldn’t it to great to know how to get ANYTHING? Reach any goal, get any insight, etc. The thrust of this chapter is to give you the tools to get started and stay on track to accomplish anything.

    Your FOOLPROOF plan

    Based on a lifetime of expereince in the dynamic world of fast growth tech startups, this chapter helps you create your own “playbook” to develop a foolproof plan for success.

    Where to start

    For some people “something better” is a feeling, a want or need. A dream that’s just out of reach because they just don’t know how to start. This fixes that problem and catapults you into action.

    EARLYBIRD SPECIAL Becasue we love changemakers, early adopters and people of action...

    We will be offering the first 100 people that buy a copy of – How to Change the World (and other handy tips) – a unique opportunity to work with the Author Matt Black, or one of the incredible co-authors or contributors of your choice, depending on availability.  These world-class experts might usually charge from £200 to a whopping £4,000 per hour for their professional consulting, training, coaching, or advisory services.  But you will get TWO FREE 30-minute sessions with one of them that you can use to build on the incredible lessons the book shares, gain a deeper insight, or more relevancy to what your own unique world-changing project might be.

    All you need to do is subscribe to our mailing list and we will let you know exactly when the book will be released. The first 100 people to make an online purchase of the eBook (print edition released separately at a later date – TBC) will get a personal invitation to a secret webpage that will allow you to book a session with one of the changemakers.

    We truly want to help you make the unexpected, the unbelievable, and the most exciting and inspiring things happen in your world.  We can help, but you need to take the first step forward…


    When is the book being released?

    It’s in the final stages now, we look to release the first edition in eReader/eBook format Jan 2023.  The paperback should be Q1 2023 but exactly when is ultimately in the hands of the publishers.

    Have you finished the book?

    Actually no, at the time of the launch of this site the book isn’t completed.  If you think this is “not normal” you exactly the kind of persona that need to buy the book, it will smash some preconceptions and open up a whole new way of thinking for you.  We don’t just write about making things happen but practice it too.  The creation and promotion of this groundbreaking book follow its own advice to “make cool stuff happen”.

    Does it REALLY talk about how to change the world?

    Though it’s an absolutely titanic and daunting topic, yes it does.  The book seeks to break down a lot of barriers in your thinking and open up new opportunities for change, for yourself personally, and the people around you.  It’s all based on real-world experiences by some amazing people, all of whom have overcome their own barriers and made extraordinary stuff happen.

    Where can I buy it?

    The book will initially be available exclusively on the h2ctw.com website. Signup and we will let you know when it becomes available.

    Early 2023 it will be released to the general public on Amazon.com in eReader & paperback to most English-speaking countries.

    Other print editions are due to be released by the publisher later in 2023 to most good bookstores but that is TBC.